Technomerates - An upcoming Techno-conglomerate has spread up its wings in varied spectrum of construction & construction management technologies. Technomerates is a multi-disciplined construction company delivering high quality projects. We are hundred percent committed to delivering excellence, completing projects on schedule and on budget.
Technomerates and its key team have demonstrated their strength in strategic planning, housing NICMAR graduates who have been recognized for sweeping improvements in efficiency, product & process development with projects valued to 1000+ crores.
Technomerates key team have post graduates from Machessutes who have contributed in conceptualizing and creating cost dampening opportunities by leveraging creative and intuitive techniques. Their expertise & vast experience in field of construction with post graduation from Massecutes facilitated for employing unique and new construction methodologies viz. Tunnel form, Designing, Manufacturing tunnel form with plywood, wall form & table form for an area of 2,00,000sqft to build 167,85,600sqft of formwork area.
Technomerates key team houses MS Structure IIT alumnus who is conversant in designing multi storied & commercial structures, maven in designing precast structures with 10lakh+sqft designed as of day, the maven ability to analyse the structure, facilitates in envisaging complication in designs & resolve them to optimized design, the quench for technology had ended in designing precast Toilet POD's, self stressing prestressing bed, Formwork. The passion towards design has ended up providing design solutions for cantilever deck platforms, PEB transportable toilets etc.
Technomerates & its team are known for their cost saving design, adapting KAIZEN on all its projects.
We will never compromise the safety of our people and stakeholders.
Our operational excellence instills quality principles that tangibly demonstrate success.
We are clear in our approach. We are disciplined and thorough in how we work and deliver for our clients and customers.
We deliver what we promise. We act safely and ethically and we care for the environment and communities we work in at all times.
Executed super structure of G+10 floors - 6600sqm in 21 days - Deshuttered formwork for the slabs @ 12hrs, achieved pour cycle time of 24hrs with key significant technique improvements viz casting of starters of walls along with slabs, early deshuttering using high early strength concrete thereby increasing the repetition of the formwork and lower capital cost on formwork. Deshuttered formwork for the slabs @ 12hrs and achieved pour cycle time of 24hrs. Established formwork system with formwork pressure of 65kg/sqm - without intermediate tie rods for a column size of 1.2X1.2m. Hotshot in designing concrete mixes - Designed more than 600 concrete mixes out of which few includes usage of advanced chemical admixtures viz poly carbo oxylic ether base and mineral admixtures viz micro silica, fly ash. Having hands-on up to M60 grade Self Compacting Concrete- Whiz in optimizing the cement content in concrete. Established CLC block manufacturing unit and manufactured 30lakh bricks in a period of one year. Established Formwork system - Designed & built - To pour column and slab on single go - Formwork area - 9 lakh sqft. Conversant in Formwork Technologies - Which includes Tunnel form, Aluminum Form work, Table form, Gang form, Plastic Form, Jump form. Also have designed and manufactured formwork for more than 200000sqft which includes Tunnel form fabrication with ply wood, Gang form and Table form to cater a requirement of 167 lakhs sqft formwork area.